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  • Àêòèâíè: 25901
  • ×àêàùè: 89
  • Îò äíåñ: 0
  • Ñòàòèè: 1183
  • Êàòåãîðèè: 15
  • Ïîäêàòåãîðèè: 60

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Mil Free Internet Eraser

Îïèñàíèå: Everyone with access to your computer could see which sites you have visited through your browse history, cookies and their index.dat files. Mil Free Internet Eraser helps you to completely clean all browse history records and cookies with ease. Key features: - Deletes cookies - Deletes history - Cleans some Index.dat files (these related to history and cookies) - Uses a lite version of the award-winning cleaning engine of Mil Shield - Supports Vista 32&64-bit, Firefox 3, IE 8 and Opera. NEW: Added support for Windows 7 and there are changes in the user interface.

Êàòåãîðèÿ: ÁÃ Èíòåðíåò: Îíëàéí ìàãàçèíè

Ïóáëèêóâàí îò: Mil Incorporated íà January 28, 2010 06:39:44 AM
Ïîñåùåòèÿ: 10

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