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  • ×àêàùè: 88
  • Îò äíåñ: 0
  • Ñòàòèè: 1183
  • Êàòåãîðèè: 15
  • Ïîäêàòåãîðèè: 60

Ïîäðîáíà èíôîðìàöèÿ

rent a car

Îïèñàíèå: “Mobix”rent a car offers different brands of cars for rent at good rates. All cars are in excellent condition, with full insurance and equipped with alarm, CD, air-condition, lock system, Airbags, ABS, electric windows, and other extras. We offer free of charge delivery to any part of Sofia in working hours and discounts for regular customers or car rental for long period. We wish you pleasant and safe trip with our cars! Mobix Rent a Car *Rent a car at any time - Mobix rent is working 24 h for you. *Free delivery to any part of Sofia for car rental over 2 days. *Non limited mileage *Full insurance and vignette tax included. Rent a car in Sofia. Discounts for regular customers and long period. Free of charge delivery to any part of Sofia.

Êàòåãîðèÿ: Òóðèçúì: Êîëè ïîä íàåì

Ïóáëèêóâàí îò: Dimityr Mitov íà June 25, 2009 09:08:42 AM
Ïîñåùåòèÿ: 7

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